Seven books to read this summer, recommended by Bill Gates

“You don’t become the world’s richest man by wasting away the day binge-watching Netflix. You learn, you grow, you hustle. And you read, and a hell of a lot. Heavy reads, light reads, even breezy beach reads from time to time.

We’re talking, of course, about Bill Gates: inventor, philanthropist and voracious reader. Keeping up with his own tradition, the Microsoft co-founder recently took to his blog to publish his annual “beach reading (and more)” list, a collection of books he thinks everyone should add to their summer reading roundup,” wrote Kim Lachance Shandrow for Globe and Mail on Tuesday June 9, 2015.

Lachance Shandrow continued, “Looking back, he credits much of his entrepreneurial success to reading. “I really had a lot of dreams when I was a kid,” he said, “and I think a great deal of that grew out of the fact that I had a chance to read a lot.” Apparently even in the summer.

With the first day of summer coming up on June 21, there’s plenty of time to dig into Gates’s picks. Check out his recommendations from your local library or spring for them at the neighborhood bookstore. Happy reading.

Here are the seven titles that made the cut…”

Read the full article here.

Raymond Matt, CFP, CLU, TEP, CHS

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