Evolution of outdoor activities could include video-conferencing

Photographer: Peter Lloyd

Photographer: Peter Lloyd

“The first day of summer is just two weeks away and that means unplugging from technology and heading out to beaches, barbecues and outdoor activities. Or does it? New Canadian research suggests the next big thing in summertime fun might be video-conferencing,” wrote Dan Misener for CBC News on June 6, 2017.

Misener continued, “The new research — published in Human-Computer Interaction — comes from Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, and it’s all about using live video like Skype or FaceTime or Google Hangouts to share outdoor experiences between friends and family members; basically, video-conferencing while you’re outside, having fun.

The researchers recognized that video-conferencing is on the rise in corporate and professional environments, and it’s also increasingly popular for family and friends to stay in touch. But most video-conferencing happens indoors, so the question becomes what are some of the ways we might use this technology outside?

Now, outdoor video-conferencing is not hugely popular at the moment. We don’t see a lot of people Skyping at the beach, or FaceTiming while they’re on a picnic, but the team at Simon Fraser believes it’s coming, and that it’s a natural extension of the ways in which we use video today. They wanted to get ahead of that trend and investigate the potential, the limitations and the potential challenges.”

Read the full article here. 


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