Strangers help rescue stranded people following Hurricane Harvey

Photographer:  Nicolas Brown

Photographer: Nicolas Brown


“Ma’am, I’ll hold your purse.”

“Sir, hang on tight, we’ve got ya.”

“There was no way the gushing skies and culverts of Twin Oaks just outside Houston were going to wash away that famous southern politeness,” wrote Adrienne Arsenault for CBC News on August 29, 2017.

Arsenault continued, “These weren’t the voices of soldiers, police or firefighters. They were a concrete worker and a woman in a sopping Harley-Davidson shirt, and the young woman with somehow impeccable makeup and an even more impressive sense of decency.

The U.S. is well supplied with official first responders, and authorities generally don’t want citizens wandering into harm’s way, even with good intentions. 

Volunteer efforts can be disjointed, dangerous and go horribly wrong. It can be hard to tell what areas have and haven’t been cleared. There’s a litany of reasons to keep unofficial helpers away. But then there’s the reality of this beast named Harvey.

Read the full article here. 

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