Canadian Deutsche Bank exec puts his foot down on bad behaviour

 “It may seem like unsurprising advice, but it’s causing waves in the world of corporate banking,” Janet McFarland wrote for a The Globe and Mail article late last week. McFarland continued, “Deutsche Bank senior executive Colin Fan, a Canadian based in London, has become an Internet sensation with a blunt internal staff video telling his traders and investment bankers not to be ‘boastful, indiscreet and vulgar’ and warning that he has ‘lost patience’ with their communications style.” You can view the viral video above. It reminds us at CSI of another Canadian with a strong moral compass.  Markham, Ontario resident Brad Katsuyama made a discovery while working in RBC’s Manhattan offices in 2007.  He noticed, “how some high-frequency trading firms game the stock-market system to skim profits in a fraction of the time it would take to blink an eye, and how his software could get around this,” Armina Ligaya wrote in a March Financial Post article.

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