The connection between sleep loss and diabetes

“David Lombrozo was never a good sleeper. “Then I started my own company, and it got worse,” said the Marietta, Ga., owner of an information-technology management company. “I got to bed later, got up earlier, wasn’t eating well. I gained 15 pounds, which made me snore and woke me up even more.”  As a result, Type 2 diabetes, which had been lurking in his family genes, caught up with him. Now Lombrozo must give himself a daily insulin injection and test his blood-sugar levels several times a day to keep the disease in check,”  wrote Leslie Mann for the Chicago Tribune and published in the Toronto Star on Tuesday. Mann continued, “Like the millions of other North Americans afflicted with Type 2 diabetes, Lombrozo learned that sleep deprivation and diabetes feed on each other: Diabetes symptoms disturb sleep, while sleep loss contributes to diabetes. Add obesity and stress, and you have a vicious circle.” Read the full article here. | Raymond Matt, CFP, CLU, TEP, CHS  

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