B.C. wildfires could spread this weekend

Photographer:  Johannes Plenio

Photographer: Johannes Plenio

“Gusty winds forecast for the B.C. Interior this weekend could spread wildfires to new parts of the province, an official warns as thousands already are unable to return to their homes,” wrote Mike Laanela for CBC News on July 13, 2017.

Laanela continued, “”Definitely toward the weekend some cold fronts are coming in and bringing some stronger wind patterns,” said Darren Campbell, director of the Emergency Operations Centre for the Cariboo Regional District 

“Most of those weather patterns seem to be in the western part of the region, over in the Chilcotin and the north Cariboo, in areas that have not seen a lot of activity to date,” he said.

“We might be dealing with some new situations in some new areas.”

Campbell said officials are already preparing for any potential issues.

“Certainly we have a window of opportunity over the next few days to prepare any new areas that might become a problem over the weekend,” Campbell.”

Read the full article here. 

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