Investigation underway into CRA phone scam




“There is “at least one very significant investigative operation underway” at the moment into one of the largest cyber crimes in Canadian history — the CRA phone scam — with both Canadian and Indian authorities working to shut it down, says Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale,” wrote Nelisha Vellani and David Common for CBC News on September 26, 2018.

Vellani and Common continued, “Goodale made the comments while responding to a months-long CBC Marketplace investigation that traced some of those fake tax calls to illegal call centres in Mumbai. 

The CRA scam usually begins with an automated phone message claiming that the target is facing a lawsuit over unpaid taxes owed to Canada Revenue Agency, and demanding they call back or face arrest. Those who return the calls face further threats, before being instructed to pay an outstanding sum, sometimes through bitcoin or gift cards.”

Read the full article here. 


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